To answer a few questions:
My official development of vBGarage has ceased. All releases containing any portion of my code and/or the name "vBGarage" are protected under GNU licensing and are free to be distributed by whatever means you desire -- regardless of what anyone else may think. I've heard noppid is developing a gallery of his own under a different guise, and for all questions relating to that you will need to speak to him.
If anyone wishes to continue vBGarage development, be my guest. Again, it is GNU licensed for all to enjoy.
The success of vBGarage has gone far beyond what I could have ever dreamed -- a simple search on Google for "vBGarage" will show you what I mean. However, I handed the project off eons ago because I couldn't keep up with it, and that author seems to have gone on to bigger and better things. So, for the time being.. C'est La Vie.
- Magnus