HI there everyone, alright what I thought was a cookie issue appears to not be. The problem is I have several domains parked and pointed to one main domain. If you access the site using one of the parked domains, and attempt to login, it tell you that login is successful, however, you still appear not to be logged in?
Does this have something to do with the url still being listed in the address line?
Here is an example:
username: test
password: test
Go to
http://www.atvpros.net and login (this is the main domain and lets you login without any issues)
Now go ahead and logout and then revisit the site using
http://www.trx450r.net (this is a parked domain, notice the address line, the url is still
www.trx450r.net. Attempt to login, it will act as though you are logging on ok, but then takes you back to the index and appears to not be logged in. Just for fun, go ahead and click on Members List now...now it shows you as logged in.)
Any thoughts??