1.you cant stream stuff from other sites thats still copyrited

2. even if you had something to do it you would have to have strict privledges set or your site would be filled with wasted bandwidth and no control over the copyrited material so you would be looking at a lawsuit.
3. 60 dollars aint much when you are looking for something dude what you expect everything to be free Get real
4.learn to script if you dont like other peoples answers create your own streaming hack it dont take a rocket scientist to make a upload script. finding out how to control the users and what they upload will be though.
5.you paid for vbulletin you pay for webhosting and with streaming media at high member level with be alot of cash So why cant you pay 60 dollars to achieve something to do this ?
and you upping your thread isnt gonna make someone create a hack specifically for you. you want something like this done in a hurry you one hire a programmer 2. you buy something existing that works for what you want.