I am currently trying to integrate a paypal store that I had purchased into my website. I used the template in the thread and couldn't get it to work the store actually uses a few files that it calls and uses. I tried adding the main page which calls all the files to the template file and use the ob_start(); thing such as you pointed out but still am unable to get it to bring up my page. Any insight and help and kicks in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Oh and also my paypal store uses a mysql backend. Thanks
ok sweet looks like I got it to work........somewhat I get the page to display like my store front however when I click on one of my products instead of reloading the page like it should with just the product and all the details it just reloads my whole front page again. This is driving me nuts I'm gonna keep trying but if anyone has any ideas please let me know. Oh and it uses this at the end of the page do=buy&pid=6 within the actual file it does a post within its self thanks guys I NEED HELP!