I've managed to find an hack integration with Realchat and Vb.
Note that I did not write the source code. But I had to update it a little bit in order to make it work with Vb3 though.
I originally found this at
It was in german. It wouldn't work as is. So, I modified a little bit.
This worked in Vb 3.0x, not certain about 3.5.x though.
Here it goes.
Add following to middle of misc.php
// ############################### start chat ###############################
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'chat') {
$$page = intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['page ' ]);
if (!$page)
$$page = ' ';
$$templatesused = "chat$page";
eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('chat') . '");');
You can add it pretty much anywhere in misc.php. For me, I add it at line 174 of misc.php
And then add a new template called "chat" in your active template set.
<title>Your title</title>
<!-- Begin: RealChat Client code -->
archive =" RealChat.jar"
codebase =" /chat/"
code =" rcs.client.RealChatClient.class"
name =" ChatClient"
width =" 300"
height =" 100"
align =" top"
alt =" RealChat Client applet"
<param name="nick" value="$bbuserinfo[username]">
<param name="canChangeProfile" value="no">
<param name="pLabel1" value="Username:">
<param name="pValue1" value="$bbuserinfo[username]">
<param name="pLabel2" value="Birthday:">
<param name="pValue2" value="$bbuserinfo[birthday]">
<param name="pLabel3" value="Hobbys:">
<param name="pValue3" value="$bbuserinfo[field3]">
<param name="pLabel4" value="Location:">
<param name="pValue4" value="$bbuserinfo[field2]">
<param name="pLabel5" value="Homepage:">
<param name="pValue5" value="$bbuserinfo[homepage]">
<param name="pLabel6" value="email:">
<param name="pValue6" value="$bbuserinfo[email]">
<param name="pLabel7" value="ICQ:">
<param name="pValue7" value="$bbuserinfo[icq]">
<!-- no java or java disabled -->
RealChat client requires Java compatible web browser.
<!-- End: RealChat Client code -->
And use this link within vb forum
<a href="misc.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&do=chat">Chat now</a>
I do not know if this really works. I tried it on my forum and , as far as I can tell, it worked.
If anyone is using realchat, mind testing it ?