Originally Posted by MarcoH64
Your welcome, please click Install once you have it running (that should be in 2 minutes from now  )
Marco, have a stray thought/question that your hack got me thinking about. Not sure if it's in the scope of what you're doing here, or if I should be posting in mod requests, but I'll start here.
One of the things my users ask for most frequently is more email-like handling of the to and from fields. Particularly in the case of multiple recipients.
Ideally, if I send to 5 different people, it's an open conversation with these folks, and in order for them to respond to the group, I have to start the PM with "to: user1, user2, user3, user4, user5" so they might copy that on the response.
In a perfect world, if I put 5 people in the to field, then all 5 see the other 4 names as well, and of course myself as the sender. Then they have the option to reply, or reply to all. This would create a need for a bcc field of course, in the event you want some or all not to see who else is being PMed, but that would really only function the standard way vB handles this (hiding everyone else but the sender and recipient), so I assume it wouldn't require any new code.
A step up functionally speaking to that would be being able to PM to usergroup (primary or secondary) as well, effectively enabling closed discussion groups between different project teams (I have a community driven site), and the like.
Is this practical? Is it a potential feature of your workbench? Or *gulp* are these features available in another hack I've simply managed to overlook?
As long as I had it all fresh in my head, wanted to ask here. Mostly because the notion of one complete workbench that overhauls PM functionality seems personally more appealing than several different little ones that might overlap and/or conflict.
Another notion I had that sort of speaks to the privacy issue, is affording users the option of encrypting PMs. Giving another layer of privacy and protection would make it a lot easier to have some userbases digest the reality (with this hack) that admins can read their PMs. Obviously that would mean admins having 'content' on their site that they have zero access to, but it could be an optional feature.
I suspect I'm way off base talking about these here, as your modification seems to speak more to the administrative side of things than the user experience, but wanted to give it a shot.