We even called the layout Atari and it was rather a request. Atari is refusing to host the new upcoming version which is understandable as they don't develop this game anymore. We wanted to give the ppl some kind of "home" feeling when signing up. We we are working on new schemes for the server but I am not really fast in finding / creating buttons for these new schemes ...
Regarding Frogger and Zoeff : I know Frogger for at least two years as we are in the same developer team of a mutator (ProAsm = UT2Vote) and a LOT of ppl are just complaining about the moderation attitude on Atar.
Regarding forums : You are basicially right, but I have no idea how to achieve a better view of the sections as we need all of them ... Maybe I can do something witht the UT2k4 section, but we tried and tried and we are not coming to a conclusion ...
Suggestions r of course welcome ..