Installed and working good on 3.5 RC2, but I have one question:
Why was "cpnav_radio.xml" never mentioned in the installation? I haven't uploaded it or anything yet because it didn't say to do so. Everything seems to be working fine without it, so do I need to upload it or not even use it? Thanks.
EDIT: Didn't want to double-post, so I'm just editing this post. I want the stations to go in a more "numerical" order, if you know what I mean. Such as this(lowest to highest):
Or this way(highest to lowest):
Kinda like a real radio dial if you know what I mean(hmm, sounds like something to add for the next version; it'd be pretty cool to have a layout like once you select a category from a dropdown, a "dial" for the category you selected shows up below the cat select dropdown - from there you can click on the number that is displayed to start that stream. there a a ton of ways to do this, and I mean it's just something to think about for future releases).
Currently, this is how it looks with the way I have them listed(see screenshot). If I put a "0" in front of the 8X.X and 9X.X numbers, it would come out right I assume, but they're out of order because 1 comes before 9 and it's not taking into consideration that it's 100 and 90, not 1 and 9.