Originally Posted by Xia
Question; you say that this new v1.5 release will be ported later to 3.5. Is this done by Kirby or is this an unofficial port? And if I were to use kirby's port, would I be able to upgrade to the official 1.5 release later without problems? i.e. does he use the same table names, etc...
well i gave him permission to port it so i do not if thats considered official but i will not give support for his port(meaning i will not be answering support questions for his port cause i barely know 3.5 yet>_<). however it seems he is not going change much from the original so the upgrade script that comes with 1.5 for 3.5 should work. just so you know his port is based upon 1.0.1 and not 1.5. when he does release it i will have to see if anything drastic has changed that could conflict with 1.5.