However I did notice when I was logged out and viewing my profile, I could see in the Journal block of the profile my latest entry, Busy, Busy, even though it was supposed to be private.
Fixed. The Journal Info should now only show up if you hav permission to view it.
If you have Permission to view the Journal but not the last Entry it will show Private.
Also I noticed when I was logged out and viewing my journal, it did not say any guests were viewing the journal it said, 0 registered users, 0 guests.
Right, changed so it says 0 Registered, 1 Guest. Depending on the reply of the Bugreport I made (@ vbulletin.com) I might change this to not show up at all if the viewing Usere is Guest and the only one viewing it.
Currently, I am not going to add any new Features - just bugfixing to get this stable ASAP.