Some ideas:
When you click the show entry button on the showjournal page. (A link to my journal)
Where it says the name of the entry, and you click on it, it brings up a single view of that entry. It would be cool if when you click that you could see the comments displayed underneath it.
Maybe place the make a comment box underneath the recent comments. That way someone is forced to read the comments before they post in case someone has already posted that.
Perhaps you could have an option for users to show comments on the main journal page underneat their entries. Like this:
Entry - Blagh Blagh
Comment 1,2,3 ....
Entry - Blagh 2
Comment 2, 4, 5,
Need some more moods of course, and perhaps instead of a userid for who can view a private entry you could just have where you enter the username.
Private seems to work fine. I logged out and was unable to see the post I just made that was private. However I did notice when I was logged out and viewing my profile, I could see in the Journal block of the profile my latest entry, Busy, Busy, even though it was supposed to be private. You could only see the name, you could not access it.
Also I noticed when I was logged out and viewing my journal, it did not say any guests were viewing the journal it said, 0 registered users, 0 guests.