Originally Posted by Boofo
PM me and I can give you the single query I used in my forumhome stats cache hack for vB 3.0 for this. I think it handled private forums like it should be. 
I finally have a response to the last PM.
A discussion about what is/isn't neccessary in the file would be great.
My opinion ... I think we need something a little more along the lines of this.
As you'll see, ummmm, I didn't use your query.
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Whole New Product ....
It evolved too far to keep in here as a plugin.
How should I kill this old thread??
Delete the file and put a redirect in the top post??
A few people have this installed so I don't think deleting the thread is the answer.
What do guys normally do in this situation??
Reference is always a nice thing I think.
I changed the hack's name BECAUSE I'm thinking this might expand someday beyond just post/thread counts so the old name won't really suit my needs and I figure sooner is better than later.
Originally Posted by Cheertobi
just two short questions, what about posts that are made in forums, a user has no access to? Are these posts also counted? What about a users own posts, are these also counted?!
Click Me to goto Blunts Welcome Member & Guests hack thread
New Hack has a New Answer to your questions!!
1) If the can't see the post, then the post isn't part of the counts.
2) Test this and let me know how it goes.
Originally Posted by ogden2k
Hi, is there a way to bold the number of threads/posts if they are new and not bold when there's only 0?
I tried with the PHP, but am not too familiar with with it.
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I took a different route for now, but we can still tweak things if anyone offers up some opinions on the new hack. There are 3 lines of text now, for 3 different search types. If the number would be zero, then I don't display the line at all. Let me know what you think.