Without boring you with the details, I can tell you I totally understand in personal real-world terms in regards to life's downswings.
Not trying to pressure you at all, so please don't think otherwise. Wish I could help in some way, but I have zero aptitude when it comes to these coding issues. Kirby (for example) picked up vBookie and ran with it, did a great job, and maybe he (or someone like him) would be willing to back you up on the issues holding AWS back. I'd be happy to look around for someone to help, if you would find that useful, but I don't want to presume anything -- either on your end, or Kirby's, or anyone else's. So I'm also entirely content to wait as long as you need, I only spoke up and asked for a status just to see if someone had indeed stepped up to take some of the burden off of you.
I do hope things pick up and improve for you.
Originally Posted by sv1cec
Sorry, no one is helping and I haven't made much progress on this issue. I spend 5 days at the hospital last week with one of my twins being there for some infection of the tonsils, and as I explained, when they are at home, it is not easy to work on the hack.
I also have some financial issues to deal with, so you understand that life can be rough. Plus, I have a project running for my own site (testing some new toys), which takes whatever free time I have, so I do not expect any work to be done on AWS, before September.
However, the good news is that the warning/view warnings and admin things are OK, as far as I can say. If I can figure out how the hooks should be distributed, that part can soon be released as a beta version. Then, all that remains is for the Automatic Warnings from posts and PMs to be implemented, as well as the new Notes thing I added lately.
Sorry folks, it's just that my life is going downhill these days.