Hi all,
I need to include more info in the message that is sent when you subsribe to a forum. I need the message text to be included.
I noticed that this info was close.
***Admin CP => Languages & Phrases => Search in Phrases
Search for some of that text to find the phrase you need, I think it might be called 'notify'.
Edit that to what you want. The actual part which contains the message is probably $pagetext.***
The below is the message that is currently sent out.
***You are subscribed to the forum The Vimala AlphabetR: Reaffirming our noblest truths, there have been 1 new threads and 2 updated threads.
The following threads are new:
Teaching Children Handwriting
In forum: The Vimala AlphabetR: Reaffirming our noblest truths Started by: Natalia Last post: Yesterday 12:53 PM****
what phase can be edited and what is the code to be added to get the full message to display in the email.