Originally Posted by Zero Tolerance
@ GrendelKhan{TSU - Okay i just looked closer at your error:
Note how i have made the whole URL bold to make it stand out, and furthermore, italic'd a section of it, that might point out what you have done wrong, if not then here's the problem: You have copied the url in my main post as text, instead of right clicking on the url and selecting Copy Shortcut, vbulletin strips the size of the url down by adding dots into the url 
man, I sooo wish that was it. I did copy the full url (and just tried again...just in case) AND tried about about 10 different feeds and all of them give me the same.
eg: this is the full url right?
htt p:// news rss.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_uk_edition/front_page/rss.xml ?
(spaces add to prevent linking)
or this:
ht tp://n ews.nationalgeographic.com/index.rss
Something is causing the problem....and at this point I'm thinking it may not be the plugin (maybe a conflict with another hack??)
I was lookign forward to this one too...and your hacks all rule and you are pumping them out...so I can't really complain....
but its just frustrating .

dunno where to start to solve this.
@ GenSec - The next version will include the ability to replace characters to create your own parser globally and singularly for each feed.
- Zero Tolerance
grrr...this makes me want it to work even more!!