Can someone help me out here I can't seem to get the correct info in the boxes I have posted a few lines from the RSS feed I would like to use. Please help me.
<rss version="2.0">
- <channel>
<title>360 on 360</title>
<description>The full 360 on the new XBOX 360 Console</description>
<pubDate>Fri, 19 Aug 2005 08:22:16 -0700</pubDate>
<lastBuildDate>Fri, 19 Aug 2005 07:28:00 -0700</lastBuildDate>
- <item>
<title>Faceplates Q&A</title>
<description>A Q&A regarding the faceplates is up at, with lots of answers on the availability and customization of faceplates for the Xbox 360. Q: I was wondering if attaching the faceplate changes the software skins on Xbox 360, or are they just like a phone's faceplates?A: Across the entire Xbox 360 system, hardware and software integration has been a big priority, which means that for every Xbox 360 faceplate at retail, there will be a matching skin you can download. But to add a bit of mystery, not all the themes match their faceplate in exactly the same way. View Full Q&A Here</description>
<pubDate>Fri, 19 Aug 2005 07:28:00 -0700</pubDate>
what do I use for the settings?
Parent RSS Tag Name:
Items RSS Tag Name:
Thread Title RSS Tag Name:
Thread Post RSS Construct:
I want to Post the sotre, not worried about the date but the Topic, Story and Original link would be fine..
thanks in Advance..