Originally Posted by OllieRocks
Smilies File Path : /smilies/smile.gif
Thats under
AdminCp > Smilies > Add New Smilie > Add Multiple Smilies
Is that what you mean? (Sorry if its not)
I think what he means is updating the path to the smilies quickly (viewing them all on one page)
By default the smilie paths are listed as:
I think he is asking how to change them all at once to:
By default you must click on each smilie, and change them individually, but I know that I have seen a screen when installing certain hacks (such as vbadvanced) that lists all of the smilies at once, with their file paths/URL listed, and the option to update multiple smilies at once, but I don't know how to access that from within vbulletin itself... perhaps someone else does?