Originally Posted by bringindaruckus
indeedly awesome. Thanks
Oh - Can I use this to allow users to post an image as an attachment in a thread? I assume I'd have to edit a template to do this. But I'm just checking.
I have a hack like this for 3.0.7, I'll port it either later today or tomorrow.
Originally Posted by Blam Forumz
Nice, but is it possible to upload it into vBAdvanced Gallery into a category the admin can specify? :/
I don't know anything about vba gallery, so I wouldn't be able to this. :disappointed: This uploads to Image Shack only.
Originally Posted by Vizionz
awesome hack very usefull works perfect but only question i got on my forum i got this little box under the upload form that dont seam to do anything ? how do i get rid of that biox or change the border for it causer it like bright white on a blue skin
I'm not really sure what you mean by little box...is it in the screen shot?
[high]* Guest190829 takes a look at the screenshot.
Originally Posted by poolking
Does the admin have to have an account with Imageshack and will the signature be uploaded to the admins account if the first part of my question is true?
Nope, this does not add the image to any account. It just adds the image to one of image shack's server. No account is needed.