v3.5 Arcade Feature Poll
I'm coding new features for the 3.5 edition of the v3 Arcade at the moment, and I've been thinking about adding something new - but I'm not sure if it's something people would actually use or find useful in anyway, so I thought I'd post a poll on it.
The Idea
It's a pretty simple idea. The forum admin can create a number of "teams" (a minimum of 2), each with their own name, description, emblem, etc.
Now, when a user registers on your forums or visits the arcade for the first time, they're given the opportunity to join one of these teams. Once a user has joined a team, their successes in the Arcade translate into points for their side.
The side which performs the best at the end of the week wins numerous perks, such as (and these would be customisable):
- Increased PM inbox size
- New games (although they wouldn't win points for playing "their-side only" games).
- A trophy visible in their postbit (if you're on the winning team for that week).
- If some sort of store hack is installed such as uShop, they'd be awarded with uCash.
- Reputation gains for individual achievements (e.g. most games played).
And whatever else we can think of. There would be other tie-ins with some other features, but I won't go into that right now.
My question is, is this something you would want to see and use on your forums? Or do you think it's a bit of a gimmick that won't last and isn't worth coding?