Originally Posted by SlipNslide281
Maybe in your instructions tell people to run this query:ALTER TABLE post ADD INDEX (dateline)
enstead of saying "If you don't already have an index on the dateline field in the user table then you should add one"
some people are new to this and don't understand what to do. Its kinda like saying if you don't already have this hack installed, install it. Thats what makes me so frustrated on these hacks is the coders automaticly thinks you know what your doing and get about 80% done and bam!!! instructions are not clearn. If we knew we would be making our own hacks. All we users ask is just put exactly what we should do in the instructions.
The instructions read:
Step 5.
If you don't already have an index on the dateline field in the user table then you should add one ;
ALTER TABLE post ADD INDEX (dateline)
I'm probably opening myself up for a flame here, but hey...
I don't think it's too much to ask that if you feel confident enough to start hacking vBulletin, you should really be able to check if a field is indexed. It's just my humble opinion of course! :classic:
At the end of the day, this will not stop this particular hack working. If your site is so large that failing to index this field causes a huge delay in displaying the results, but you don't understand why the indexing change might be required (or how to deal with it), isn't time you learned a bit more about MySQL! :nervous: