Just copied this from another forum:
Google was angered by a story last month that focused on potential threats the search engine leader's product poses to personal privacy, said Jai Singh, the News.com editor-in-chief.
To demonstrate the point, writer Elinor Mills googled CEO Eric E. Schmidt.
In her story, Mills included a link to Schmidt's home address, his net worth of $1.5 billion and noted that he has attended the Burning Man art festival and is an amateur pilot. Mills said she spent 30 minutes on Google to obtain the information.
"We didn't go out and break into any databases to get this information," Singh said. "This is all publicly available information."
Mills wrote in her story that "hackers, zealous government investigators, or even a Google insider who falls short of the company's ethics standards could abuse that information."
Why Europeans dislike Google
"The world according to Google? Europeans have long bemoaned the influence of Hollywood movies on their culture. Now plans by Google Inc. to create a massive digital library have triggered such strong fears in Europe about Anglo-American cultural dominance that one critic is warning of a "unilateral command of the thought of the world."
In my opinion, it's not just the culture of the Europeans Google is trying to influence, but also the minds of people in the U.S. Google is politically biased. For example, they think guns are bad so gun lobbyist websites don't appear in their search results. However, porns are ok. Also Google folks are fanatical, just like Mills said. Type 'failure" on Google and see what comes up.
What comes up is the Biography of President George W. Bush
Even if you agree with Google, or you just think they're plain funny, the French people are right. It's not just the Californication of the world or abuse of power, its their blatant disregard for culture and the assault on free- thinking. Just because they're cool like Apple it doesn't mean they're good.
If you're using Google for school research, you're basically not getting the broader deal.
I still use Yahoo (a vertical search engine), and if I want a more specific search result, I use Askjeeves or MSN search!
What do you guys think? I think MSN has a long way to go. Hehe.