I'm currently in the middle of porting my 3.0.x version of text replacement links. So far I have got the following features.
- Globally enable/disable all text replacements
- Enable/disable separate text replacements
- HTML Markup
- Option to use Text Replacement Links
- Option to use Text Replacement Text
If you ever have visit
www.sitepoint.com and read there articles. You will notice that a lot of there words are automatically replaced into a link. The linked text points to a definition for the link in question. I'm considering adding this as available option, but I'm not quite sure this would be a demand.
For the confused people, this is how it would work. You would have a few fields to fill out in the ACP.
- Text
This would be the text that you would want to get replaced
- Definition Of Text
This would be the definition of the text
- HTML Markup
Any addtoinal HTML you would like to add to the text. Example: <b></b>
So anytime a user post any text you add, it will then be replaced with a link that will point to a page with the definition. So, should I add this to this hack, or should this be a seperate hack? Thanks!