The template isn't picking it up, but the value is showing ok...check the attached, almost there...
i've placed
$forum['replycount'] = $vbulletin->forumcache["$forumid"]['replycount'];
below the exisiting code in the hook : forumbit_display, it's the only location that'll work and show the values.
in the template > "$forum[replycount]" does nothing and i've tried re-jigging the merge template part to :
if ($forum['link'])
eval('$forum[\'replycount\'] = "' . fetch_template('linkhits') . '";');
$forum['threadcount'] = '';
$forum['lastpostinfo'] = '';
but it does not show the template (redirected hits etc)
so yet again i'm at an impass...bugger

i'll need some more help again me thinks