Anyone know a way to make it so a user can have their avatar display a captured pic from their webcam in realtime? Have it refresh, say, every 30 seconds when they have their cam on?
I did this for my avatar but the method is unwieldy and requires ftp access to my site's server, which I certainly can't allow for my users.
Barring this, I wouldn't mind a way to link to a user's Yahoo webcam or some such in their user info. In short, I'm just looking for an interesting way to integrate members' webcams on my site.
Okay, how about this: Integrating a SimpleCam stream ( via a custom profile field. This profile field can then be added to the user info in posts, which can be clicked on to open it in a small, fixed width window.
I bet something like that could be worked out fairly easy. I'm gonna try, anyway.