Originally Posted by Michael Morris
Oh well. I probably will download this too for those cases when spam gets by the filter (though I've only had it happen once in 7 months and against 400 tries, which is a good record I think). Also you are right in that coventry posts take memory on the system even if they are unseen - but the main reason for vSpamScan's use of that system is for those occassions when the system scores a false positive. I've had 3 of those since I started with the prototype on 3.0.7 - and they can be a diplomatic pain.
Yeah, false positives are a pain (or in my case, accidental staff usage). Originally, this version was supposed to have an undo (i.e. go through and undelete all posts/threads with reason "deleted by SD" or something like that and unban user), but I couldn't get it working yet (it'll be in a future release).