Originally Posted by MarcoH64
Not without some more info. What was the last hack you installed? What vB version are you using?
The adv.banner hack located here
MarcoH64, I just wanted to say thank you very much for responding to my question. I have asked many questions on this forum and havn't gotten many answers. Seems a lot of people have learned so much that when they see a noob like me they just roll there eyes and move on to the next.
I fixed it. When I installed the adv banner hack one of the requests was this:
- Below add:
$forum['banner'] = convert_to_valid_html($forum['banner']);
$forum['bannerlink'] = convert_to_valid_html($forum['bannerlink']);
$forum['banneralt'] = convert_to_valid_html($forum['banneralt']);
and I accidently copied "Below add:" , "Bellow add" was on line 97 and I noticed it after going threw every step of the install.
Again thanks for the response. Very much appreciated.