Oh i see.... another thing i noticed is with myspace they use <table border="1" bordercolor="#000000"> and stuff like that and it works looking fine....
When i do it it looks stupid lol... look at attatchments....
The first image is myspace... the second is me.....
On mines i used border="1" bordercolor="cc0000: for the misc part... for the bottom i used style="border: 2px #cc0000 solid"... which is why from the bottom of Misc. and down it looks fine... but i need to be able to use border="1" directly, so that it's easier for members to edit and make borders different colors and stuff through css....
rotfl now here's the weirder part... if you view the source of myspace and put it into and the html try it viewer in
www.w3schools.com the borders still show messed up..... so in other words....... MYSPACE FOLLOWS ITS OWN RULES OF CODING !!!?!?!!!!!!!!!!