no i'm looking for what is stated in the 4th post...the ability for my users to specify an RSS feed that will be displayed in their profiles.
okay i've gotten so far as this. mind you i don't know a thing about making hacks for vB and very slim to none about PHP coding.
1) I downloaded and installed carp on my site.
2) I created a new Single Line Text Box user profile field for users to input the rss feed location. I'll call it
This is the code CaRP says it needs to display an RSS feed in any php file:
require_once '/path/to/carp/carp.php';
// Add any desired configuration settings below this line using "CarpConf" and other functions
think I want:
require_once '/path/to/carp/carp.php';
// Add any desired configuration settings below this line using "CarpConf" and other functions
to be added to the profile template (?) so that the RSS feed shows.
I hope that made some sort of sense.
Configuration is done by changing the values in the array $carpconf. You may change the defaults by modifying carp.php itsself. You may override the defaults for a particular RSS feed by inserting lines like "CarpConf('cachepath','/my/private/cache/path');" after the line where you "require_once" CaRP, and before calling CarpShow()....
outputformat: 0 to display CaRP's output as HTML (the default), 1 to output JavaScript which will display the output as HTML, or 2 to store the HTML formatted output in a PHP variable ($carpoutput), which your PHP code can use as desired.