Originally Posted by FlyBoy73
I really like this, Dean, but I am guessing that I would loose all 350,000+ of the links I have in Google when it notices the change of the URL's, correct?
If so, puts me in a hard place.. When we upgraded to vb3 we lost all of our links (was using a url hack that was different than the standard in v3) and it took a good 9 months to get back to where we were.
Again, any way around this if it is going to be a problem?
The original URLs will still work. My only concern would be that Google might see the two urls - the original and the rewritten one - as duplicate content. I don't believe Google penalizes for duplicate content on the same domain, though. With their everchanging algorithm, it's hard to say.
Oops, I just noticed where you said you were using a different rewrite hack. In that case, I have no idea what the effect of using this might be. You could probably modify this extension so that the urls are rewritten using the same rewrite rules, thus not changing any of the urls, but I have no idea how to go about doing that.