Hi Sam,
Thank you for your interest in vBulletin. There is no way to convert a phpBB skin to a vBulletin Style.
vBulletin however comes with an easy to manage Style Manager, all you need is some basic HTML skills to change to looks of your board to your liking. For a lot of changes (colors, images, etc.) not even HTML skills are needed. Most skins will not be to difficult to duplicate on vBulletin. You can find information about the vBulletin Style (template) Manager in the online documentation found at vbulletin.com.
We have here an active community that will try to help whenever someone needs guidance in modifying vBulletin. If you need it, licensed members can also post Modification (free) or Service (payed) Requests to find someone who is able to help them.
I hope i have answered your questions. If not, feel free to ask.