Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo
not really, but it is a shared server, and I have other sites on the same server but they were not hit. My guess was a server issue also, but just wondered if anyone had seen this particular "hack" before. I read all of the hacks pretty thoroughly, and I know the moderators at vb.org wouldn't allow any malicious code, but am pretty confused as to why we were hit, so I thought I would ask for input.
If you are on a shared server, you are at the risk of anybody else within that chain.
Before moving to realwebhost.net, we used a web server that had roughly 19 other sites on it. We were actually able to FTP to everyone of those stes and read their files as well as Telenet.
After informing the server admin that we were able to do so, and wanted them to secure our site down as well as everybody else's better without having to go dedicated, they said that there was no way that we could do those various tasks.
So, the owner of that server laid a challenge down to us. "Try to get in this one site and I will believe you" type of deal.
After we were done with the site, he believed us and we moved to our current server which is basically bulletproof.
In most cases of this type of hacking, you have plenty of shady companies out there that offer low cost server options that throw you in the mix of numerous others who know nothing of a server admin panel nor options (if available) to shutting off SSH, Telenet or even FTP and all it takes is just one curious person to go up a level in their FTP manager to see what is all going on within that disk.