Hmmm, I'm stumped.
The "no user found" means your getting to the point in the code where we query my DB table and no data was returned from the table for the attachmentid number which was input.
This means all your settings and permissions are in good shape or we wouldn't have gotten that far into the code.
1) I hope you aren't expecting to see data from downloads PRIOR TO latest installation of v100 (previous versions or not) because I haven't gotten that far yet (#1 & #2 in my to-do list)
2) You say "they were correctly logged" ... Are you saying you went into phpmyadmin and "browsed" through the table manually and verified that the correct attachmentid number (I call it FILEID) and such was written to AND IS currently sitting in my table for the file you downloaded?
3) I hate to quote things that were erased, but my email notification which had your original post mentioned a database error ... and since the error was quoted, it wasn't included in the email so I don't know what the specific error said. If you could repost that database error for me, maybe it will give me a clue as to why my query isn't returning a result (feel free to remove the IP's from the message as I don't need or want that info).