Originally Posted by mfarmerhi
My post was in response to those seeking a map for the US, Canada, Latin America or Europe besides the few countries you've included.
Until you include those maps, it seems to me that the 2.2 hack is the best available, certainly for any board with an international membership...
Your hack is great. And when it includes the rest of the world will be wonderful.
I agree completely. Whatever solution comes out will have to include the rest of the world for it to be embraced by the whole vBulletin community. This is especially true because vBulletin was developed in Great Britain. I, myself, live in Canada and, though my board has a large American membership, would definitely like Canadian postal codes included.
I will try to find latitude/longitude & postal code information for Canada as well as the rest of the world and will post it here once I find it.
- Sid