Originally Posted by AndrewD
a) The alpha release for VB35 is already available here. It seems to work fine - I uploaded it a month ago, and there's only been one minor bug report. I changed the name to Links and Downloads Manager. When VB35goes gold, the official release will include some more functions which are not in the VB30 or alphas VB35 versions - the rating system has been extended to provide user comments (as per an earlier suggestion on this thread); categories can have different styles; etc.
b) To fix your column width, edit the links_catbit template. The second line of this template gives a column width of 20% - change that as you wish.
Hello once again,thanks alot for all your help.I now have everything up and running but i have one final question.I notice that when i import files from one of my site directories Links Database automatically adds a decription of the file showing the file path where the file is located.This requires manual editing of hundreds of files for me as i do not want the file path to be shown.Is there a way i can disable the option so it doesnt automatically add descriptions?
I also cant seem to get the thumbnail images working.I uploaded the "local_resize" file to my forum directory and am using the "links_linkbit" template.But when i add the link to the image i wish to use all i can get is the red X.my settings in the admin pnale are as follows "allow_images" 1,"link_imagesize" -100.Am i doing something wrong?