Old topic but I just got the style on my forum. I'm having a little problem with the table lining up and I'm not sure how to fix it. Any suggestions on how to modify my templates to make this work would be greatly appreciated.
The problem is as stated in prior posts, as long as the viewing is set at a lower resolution the header/table looks fine. When you maximize it, it's all whacked out.
I really like this style and I really want to use it but a lot of my users view on very high resolution so I know they'll be crabbing about it.
Also, imakuni?: I left the credits for you in the style but your link is bad so I removed the link. Do you have one I can update it with so it'll work properly? If not I guess I can put the old link back in there but I'd really like it if it was a working link.
I've also done some work with the header images. I made a left, right and background images that will work if you can get the CSS right which I can't seem to do.