Its been 6 months and there is almost 100,000 members on this forum and of which and average of 300 Users are on simotaneously. And no one else can help or have answers.
How disapionting!!! Ohh wiat would someone do it for 100 bucks. no wait maybe you want 1000 bucks because I am making money on my site.
Why, I deserve the right to make my money back from which I spent out gracisouly to purchase these three licences from VB and renewals not to mention the programmers on my board and oh finally the cost of running an overseas server. Oh please, don't feel sorry for me for not wanting to make my expenses back. BTW my time is worth soemthing too. Any one who runs a forum knows how much work they put in to make their members happy.
As I stated in my earlier threads. Somethings are worth paying extra for. BUT.... I don't wish to be the only donor because I am NOT paying someone their full asking price when that person could be getting donations for his or her work. Where has the courtesy gone with this site. 4 years ago, people were more than happy to help. But that has changed over the years. People are becoming greedy. And all I want is a better product.
BTW I was charging fees to my members well before this Paid Subscription hack was first implemented. I decided to use it to make my life simpler. I still need to pay my bills and I am lucky to scrape by. WHat ever happened to people helping people.
I hope we can make this a better place.