Originally Posted by ATN
me again, sorry... if i log in as admin it shows a little 'A' next to my name which is cool, and i have options to kick etc... but if i log in as a Mod it does not give me these option, i've looked and cat see where to correct this, as i would like mods to be able to kick... i bet its right in front of me aye??
Yep, it's right in front of you
By default, only Admins and Supermods (usergroups 6 & 5) are chat admins.
To add standard moderators (i.e. usergroup 7) you need to edit this section of the CMS file ;
PHP Code:
// Set Allowed groups
if (in_array( 2 ,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_USER;
if (in_array( 7 ,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_USER;
//Set Staff groups
if (in_array( 5 ,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_ADMIN;
if (in_array( 6 ,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_ADMIN;
Move & change the definition for usergroup 7.