Hey guys,I was wondering if someone who has used this mod can answer a few questions of mine.I would like to try this mod out but i do not want to waste my time installing it if it doesnt offer what i need.I already went through this hell with the very buggy vBdownloads2.0 lol.
1.)Can i have Sub-sub-catagories?For example "Music>MP3's>artist name>audio track.mp3"?
2.)I notice it says "can only access the link if she has access to the associated forum".Does this mean all download catagories must be associated with a forum?Or can i use this file/link manager as a standalone download manager?
I.E. you click the downloads link in the forum,it takes you to a page listing all the download catagories.you click one to enter the sub catagories and to download files.
3.)last but not least i wanted to ask can permissions be set for catagories?for example say i want to allow anyone in forums guests and all access to download files from "Audio".But i only want members to be able to download from the "video" catagory.can this be done?
Thats about all i need to know

thanks alot for your time.