Originally Posted by iwan_ccie
when I try to load this page cmps_index.php I get the following error:
PHP Code:
"Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in c:\wamp\www\cpf\cmps_index.php on line 21"
Does somebody know what I am doing wrong?
Off my head becuase I haven't used CMS for a while, but it looks as though you have put the wrong path to you server in the config.file
Usually it should looks something like this "/home/you server password goes here/public_html/forum"
With "forum" being the name of your forums folder that contains your vbulletin files. Or whatever you called it. The "password" bit in the path. Is the password you use to log-on to your server host Admin CP were you create your database etc.
But I'm just guessing becuase the error mentions your cmps_index.php file. And not your cms config file