I was going to call this vBay, but decided that vb.org didn't want you know who breathing down their necks
This hack offers 5 (actually 6) different options of auction scripts for you to play with:
1) First is a version of EveryAuction that I have modified. It is basic looking but has alot of features. I purposely made the layout bare to match any forum, and you can control the look and feel with the style tags. You can also edit the html within the config.pl and auction.pl files to add, change the tables to suit your needs. Both files are heavily commented, so it should not be hard to find your way around them. It should be fairly easy to add additional features as needed, such as feedback and Accounting (if you wish to charge for auction listings, etc.), however I have left the accounting end of the script off of my version (though you will see a link to it in the admin area- this is in case you want to add it in yourself). You can find more addons at the everysoft addon database (URL BELOW).
2) If you are interested in starting from scratch and adding all of your own addons yourself you can use the second option, which is the original EveryAuction script,which you can grab from
PHP Code:
and then go to the addon database and pick and choose which files best suit your needs. It's all very easy, and you should not be intimidated by the fact that it is a perl script, since in many ways perl scripting is very intuitive especially if you are familiar with html and javascript standards.
3) The third option is to try a "new" version of EveryAuction that has been developed by people other than the author: EA 1.7, and it is available at
PHP Code:
4) The fourth option is to run the eAuction script (which in turn is also a modified version of the EveryAuction script). This script has a few extra features, however it is harder to modify since it has already been modified quite a bit. It still can be done, but you will have to make sure not to cross any variables. This script is setup for multi-language support, and already has german language support built in. You can find the eAuction script at:
PHP Code:
5) Download the attached
ezauctgn.zip file to allow your users to create their own individualized auction sites that you host! the Easy Auction Site Generator - uses EveryAuction from EverySoft to offer Auction Site Hosting, modified with more features and abilities. After you install this script at your site, you offer your guests the ability to create their own Auction Sites. Then link the template iframe to your easy auction's index.html page (be sure to follow the instructions enclosed in that zip file on which files to edit and how to edit them). Each auction site can be tailored and the owner may specify the following:
- choose the color scheme for the auction site
- define the directory where closed auctions will be moved
- define the directory where registration information is kept
- define "sniper" protection period (how many minutes past the last bid to hold auction).
- allow users to post items
- select file locking
- select the categories to include in the auction
Please see
THIS post for more information.
6) There is another option, and that is to use the EveryAuction DB file found at everysoft, which is a MySQL version of the EveryAuction script.
- make sure that your server supports perl scripts, and is running at least Perl 5.6.0 or greater. Notice that the script requires Perl 5.6.0 (or higher) !! I don't know whether this can run on a server that has under Perl 5.5.x If the script does not work for you then try placing the script in a subdirectory of your cgi-bin directory. Edit the top of the script to point to perl. The current version of perl is 5.8.X, so most servers should not have a problem with this if they offer perl/cgi access.
#!/usr/bin/perl This must point to the Perl version on your server. If you don't know it, ask your host or run info.cgi that comes included in the zip on your server to get it. In most cases #!/usr/bin/perl or #!/usr/bin/perl5 works OK. If you do not have Perl installed on your server all is not lost! You can try a file called perlsp that provides an ASP/PHP/JSP like environment for Perl on all servers, dedicated or virtual, with everything that you expect from a web programming environment (and before only knew from PHP or ASP)
PHP Code:
- Follow the install instructions and make sure that the files are CHMOD'ed properly.
- To add your own categories slook at the top of the script in the config area of the script that tells you how to configure them. The script is well-documented, so just read the areas that are comments and make the changes noted.
It is not necessary, but you can change the style to match the look and feel of your auction by searching for the STYLE tags and edit the area inbetween to match the CSS of your forum. You can alternately link to any style sheet on your site, just as you would any other php or html page on your site. You can further edit the html parts of the auction.pl file, such as the tables, etc. to any layout you want, so if you are a layout/html wizard then you can customize the front end of this script easily, just be sure to preserve the continuity of the functionality in the process.
If you have multiple styles/skins that is not a problem, but you must have one auction.pl file for each skin, and have each skin point to a different file. Edit each one (between the style tags) to be the same style as your vbulletin skin. You can rename the file with no problem. You can call it auction1.pl, auction2.pl, etc. (or you can name them vbulletindefault_auction.pl it doesn't matter as long as you keep track of which is which) and add different templates to each style, with each one pointing to the proper auction.pl file for that style. Just keep all of the auction.pl files in the same folder and they will all pull data from the same auction database. You must keep them in the same folder as each other, otherwise each style will have different auctions! Also be sure to edit the part of the config area that asks you to define the scripts name.
There are also certain areas that you may want to change to suit your needs/layout, so don't be afraid to edit the html, just be sure to save backups of everything.
If you do edit your own auction.pl file (spiff up the html, etc.) and feel like sharing, PLEASE feel free to upload it to this thread!
For more addons to this script you can go to:
PHP Code:
NOTE: Many of the addons at that site need tweaking to work with each other, and many do not seem to work at all, and others lead to error 404 files (file not found) but it is still a very flexible script and you the site is a great resource to help you edit EveryAuction to suit your needs. Just about every auction feature you can think of has been integrated in to this script at one time or another to a degree.
NOTE: The only way that I could figure out to effectively manage to pull the output of the perl script in to a vbulletin template is with an iframe. The drawback to an iframe being that it does not resize with the amount of data that it pulls in, so if the page is really long and the iframe is too small then the result is that the iframe will develop annoying scroll bars, which are very ugly, messy and undesirable. To counter that I had to create an iframe that was very long, so there will be a bit of extra white space between the bottom of the auction content and the footer of your forum page. If anyone can come up with a better way to accomplish this, or to pass perl variables on to a php page then please post to the release thread of this hack at vbulletin.org.
Before you decide the page is too long, and decide just to simply go ahead and reduce the iframe, try posting a test auction, with a long description and a picture, and you will see why I decided the iframe needed to be that long, however of course you can always reduce the size as needed if you decide it is still too long.
NOTE: One way to avoid this issue is to add the same header and footer to your auction.pl (in the areas that they provide for that- just read the html) and style your <style> tags to be the same as your forum, and then just simply link people to your auction.pl file instead of your auction.php file. This way your header and fiiter will dynamically resize with your auction listings, and then your header can simply link them back to the forums! Just be sure to keep the auction navigation links intact or nobody will be able to find their way around your auctions.
If you are getting errors it is probably one of these:
1) Path to directories (basepath) not set correctly
2) File permissions not set correctly
3) Server does not allow executable perl files with write permissions, or any files CHMOD'ed to 755
4) Template name not spelled correctly, or capitalized instead of small letters:
Some servers will also let you run a .pl or a .cgi script from any folder, so if you are STILL getting errors at this point then try uploading the folder named 'auction' to your forum root directory, and then change your config area of the auction script accordingly. If that works better then change the file path in the template to point to that directory instead of your cgi-bin directory. In fact, that is how I originally wrote the instructions, but realized that some people who can't run perl scripts from any directory other than the cgi-bin and would be out of luck, so by default I decided to tell everyone to put it in the cgi-bin directory, but as I mentioned that is not necessary in many cases. If the file paths are correct, and the files are chmodd'ed correctly and it is still not working then it most likely is a server issue, so check to make sure that your server will allow you to run executable cgi scripts with 755 CHMOD.
NOTE: If you get an error message like the one attached then you don't have the file paths set properly in the auction.pl file. The script creates the new category folders based upon the permissions you give it when CHMOD'ing it, and also based on what you have set as a basepath in the script. The folders are automatically created when the script is run the first time and the script can't create the folders it needs in the right place if the basepath is set incorrectly, so it can't find them, and thus the error.
The simplest way to fix this is to find the basepath to your 'cgi-bin/auction' directory, and the easiest way to do that is to use the info.cgi file that is in your cgi-bin/auction directory (and comes with this hack), is by typing in this address in to your web browser:
(of course substitute "yoursite.com" with the name of your site, but keep the rest the same)
Now look in the area where it says: "
SCRIPT_FILENAME" and take note of the URL that follows it on the same line. It should look something like:
Chop off the end (the info.cgi part) and voila, there is your filepath that you need to put in the area of auction.pl that says:
# The Base Directory. We need an
# absolute path for the base directory.
# Include the trailing slash. THIS SHOULD
$config{'basepath'} = '/home/yoursite/public_html/cgi-bin/auction/';
(color and bold for emphasis)
If you STILL get errors, after you make sure that all of the above is correct then it could also be the case that your server simply does not allow executable files to have write permissions.
NOTE: I did not write the core of this file, it is based on a GNU public license file, and I added the hacks found online, and also tweaked a few of the subroutines as I saw fit, so if the auction scripts included with this file do not work or give you errors then I suggest editing your own version of EveryAuction to suit your needs. I will not give support for the EveryAuction script, but I will be happy to help with the integration of the script with vBulletin, as it pertains to this script, via the support thread at vBulletin.org.