Originally Posted by AndrewD
It is an easy edit to the links_linkbit template - you just need to remove the hyperlinks to local_links.php?action=jump - let me know if you need help. I'm not going to make any further releases to the vb 3.0x version of this hack - efforts concentrate on the 3.5x version and I'll include this as an option.
Thanks for your help!
I changed ocal_links.php?action=
jump to ocal_links.php?action=
play and and I can hide the url wich let people to download the file now. Beside I also moved the link which let people to download the files in the links_play template to links_linkbit template.
And there one more thing. When people use the send to friend function the url to let people download appear. To solve this problem I chande "jump " to"play" in the $massage.
It works perfect now.
By the ways, is it easy to add the alphabetical search function?