Originally Posted by sketch42
wow that was a first... never got auto merged before
never mind my babling than
It sneaks up on you doesn't it
But your post reminded me of a 3rd case.
Case #2 deals with people offering help missing any new feedback on their proposed solutions/fixes.
Case #3:
1. You release a hack
2. 3 Members post questions/problems about the hack
3. You reply to each question separately, and it may take a while to investigate each case.
4. All 3 answers get automerged as "duplicates"
5. Members who asked the 2nd and 3rd question will not get a notification. They get the 1st notification, which contains the answer to question #1.
When they check new posts, the see you have "ignored" them, since it doesn't show as anyone replied.
Eventually you realise that you can no longer rely on vB's reply notification, new posts, or thread subscription panel. So if you care about seeing if there are any posts, you'll need to bookmark those threads, and keep checking. Or ignore it completely, and members can PM you to let you know their posts were auto-merged, if they really want to hear from you.
Instead of enhancing the parameters and complicating it further, why not just get rid of it... I know bumps are annoying, but at least we got used to them. Auto-merging important stuff and not being able to see updates is not just annoying, it makes it hard to keep track of things.