Originally Posted by Paul M
I like the basic idea of the auto-merge, except the way it has been implemented here is poor. The dateline of an automerged post should be updated, so it shows up in "get new posts". I also think the timelimit on it is very excessive here.
well so far i have noticed that i never had a problem with my posts being merged... even if i post one after another... i believe the reason is i use the quick reply button which always quotes the person before me so it doesnt get merged because of the quotes... im not saying that people should do this to get around the automerge.. but what i am saying is that the automerge isnt perfect an should be looked and have someof these new suggestions applied
Originally Posted by sketch42
well so far i have noticed that i never had a problem with my posts being merged... even if i post one after another... i believe the reason is i use the quick reply button which always quotes the person before me so it doesnt get merged because of the quotes... im not saying that people should do this to get around the automerge.. but what i am saying is that the automerge isnt perfect an should be looked and have someof these new suggestions applied
wow that was a first... never got auto merged before
never mind my babling than