Originally Posted by kakarot720
how do I denote a user as staff? I've created a user group entitled "alt" and assigned users to it, but the icon doesn't show.
You'll have to add the group's ID to the part of the showthread.php file that checks whether to display that group's id or not.
If you've added this hack, open your
showthread.php file and
PHP Code:
// Icon Staff Hack by AnhTuanCool
// get icon staff represent img and titles
$staffusergroupids = array('5', '6', '7'); // your array of staff usergroupid
if (in_array($post['usergroupid'], $staffusergroupids))
eval('$post[\'iconstaff\'] .= "' . fetch_template('postbit_iconstaff') . '";');
On the line which specifies
$staffusergroupids, add your
"alt" group's id in the same format as shown.
- Sid