Styles not loading buttons.....
This is the first time I've played around with styles and installing them.
I got it uploaded ok and see the style in the style manager but do not see any of the images for the new style. I want users to have the option to use styles of their choice.
Now I see where the images are located on server for the forum, but what is the path so that each style is able to access their own buttons? This style is called Edge and it's images are in the forums/images/edge/ folder but the style is not seeing this folder of images for some reason. I know that if I overwrite what's in the forums/images path that I will lose the default style. How do I get the Egde style to see its images correctly?
The folders contained in the style zip file are this:
Edge Icons
Edge Smilies
Many thanks in advance to a newbie to styles......
Ok - I got the images figured out......but how do I use the smilies that came with that style while retaining the default smiles? I see no place in the style manager to choose a path for smilies in each style.......thanks again!