your say to search for;
PHP Code:
$cell[] = iif($canbanusers, construct_link_code($vbphrase['ban_user'], "banning.php?$session[sessionurl]do=banuser&userid=$user[userid]"));
but mine is
PHP Code:
$cell[] = iif($canbanusers, '<span class="smallfont">' . construct_link_code($vbphrase['ban_user'], "banning.php?$session[sessionurl]do=banuser&userid=$user[userid]") . '</span>');
big difference on the lines, and what prob's is it going to cause?
where do i find the screen you posted that shows the users permissions?
Found it, but the words are blank, must have something to do with the code above being a bit different
Can Restore Banned Users Yes No
Yes No
Can Edit User Signatures Yes No
words are missing for that cell.
only problem I have is that it moves them from one group to another-
any way to make it add them to groups instead of removing them from group-
Hench the name group moderator

I need my group moderators to be able to add people / take people away from groups, just not shuffle from one group to another-
Other then that- nice mod.