Reserved post position for FAQ.
Q: How come there is lack of response for my support problem?
A: Perhaps it is something that is so obvious, or perhaps something should be known by reading readme file or even just go through your nntp settings. ...or if you don't even try any effort to explain your problem, you won't expect others do much to help you. If you have been using a hack, you should click 'INSTALL'. A hack author will be reluctant to help if they see you are not even acknowledging using their hack.
Q: New threads created instead of merging into the existing thread.
A: There is a setting in adminCP to find the thread by subject. Some messages/emails may not contain reference in the header for the usual threading to work.
Q: Why some user name or subject show up as =?Utf-8?B?S2ltYmE=?=
A: You need 'imap_mime_header_decode' php function. Ask your host if not sure.