I have isolated the problem to be line 181 of forummod.php. Currently, the line dictates values. I am fairly new to this, so I am playing with the code to see if it works the way I have it written.
The first number after values is specifying the user ID that is being assigned to the forums. In my case, that was user ID=2. I have changed that to read: $userid
The second value is correct and the third value reads: 1279. I am testing it with that value to see if it works. If it doesn't, I was thinking $perms, but I don't know if that is accurate. Anyone know?
Here is the string:
PHP Code:
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "moderator (userid, forumid, permissions) VALUES ('$userid', '$forumid', '1279')");
I played for a bit and tried to get it sorted by I couldn't. I need someone with more experience to resolve this. Sorry.