If you love your car any skip on the loud stereo system. Don't get my wrong I love mine but I hate what it is doing to my car.
In just 6 months heres a list of things I've had to fix directly as a result of the virbration from my stereo:
Passenger side lock (required taking door apart

Passenger side window (required taking door apart again and buying new motor because I have power windows)
Multiple things inside the dash board had to be re attached or screwed back down. It still rattles real bad if I'm over 55 mph
Speaker cover in drivers side door came off, had to buy a new one (plastic clamps broke)
odometer stopped working, so did the trip meter (not got around to fixing but I hear the part is real common in the junk yards).
License plate has been re-attached 4 times now (I would make it stick for good but then I would have a problem when I get a new one

And today my drivers side window got off track so badly that I'm going to have to take the door apart to roll it up, hope it doesn't rain before I get a chance to fix it!