OK, first things first: Make sure your warn_em template contains only the followings:
Dear $user[username],
You have been warned for one of your posts, which violated $vboptions[bbtitle] Rules. The reason you have been warned is because :
(Warning Type = '$warn_type[warn_name]')
For this violation, you have been given $warn_type[warn_points] point(s).
The point(s) will remain in your account for $warn_type[warn_maturity] days.
After that, they will be removed automatically.
The post for which you are warned can be seen here:
<if condition="$vboptions['warn_includepost']==1 AND $thread3!=''">
<else />
The admin/moderator who warned you, entered this comment:
Your total Warning Points at the moment are: $level point(s).
If you reach the maximum of $vboptions[warn_points_before_banned], you will be banned from the Forums, for $peruserbanlimit days.
To see details about all the warnings you have received, until now, please click here:
Please reply back if you have a dispute.
$vboptions[bbtitle] Team
Second, please remove the private.zip from here, or the moderators will come after you. Email it to me, but please zip it again, as the zip does not work. My email is